Almost all of us are using computers and computers like other equipment tend to give us some troubles, malfunctions or other problems that prevent us from working on them properly. Since computers are modular and combined from many different hardware devices, the most important tip is to be able to understand what might cause the problem, isolate the problem to identify the cause. We can replace the supposed problematic device with another working one, to see if the problem is solved or not, then move to another symptom and doing the same thing.

Network Problems & Internet:

When we have problems surfing the internet, or connecting to our other computer on our local network (At home or at work) we can:

1. Check the cables are connected properly.

2. Reset our router & modem (those might get stuck and reset renew their connection and IP’s).

3. Check the dialer on your Computer/Router (The dialer connects to the ISP, maybe it got erased, or password had changed for some reason).

Computer Doesn’t Start:
When computers do not start it can be a couple of things that need to be checked.

1. First, unplug the electrical cable from the Power Supply and then re-connect the electricity cable to the Power Supply. (Power supply has a fuse that gets locked in case of overload to keep the power supply from burning up – when unplug and re-plug the electricity cable, you release that fuse and the power supply can work again).

2. The next stage in case the 1st one doesn’t work is to find/buy another working Power Supply, and replace the one that you currently have – to see if now it will work (it’s good to have a spare Power Supply anyway).

3. Then if the previous options do not work and the computer still doesn’t start – it might be a motherboard issue (the motherboard might be burned), so you need to take it to the computer lab, to replace the motherboard. (Replacing the motherboard should effect you saved information and replacing it will enable the computer to work as it worked before, with all of your information, operating system and data intact).

The computer is a lot of noise: Loud annoying noises from the computer usually means that the computer parts are either too old and got fatigued, or the computer is full of dust.

* Open the side of the computer, and look inside. The parts that might cause noises are usually the computer fans, there are fans that cool the whole computer and all of its parts, and they are usually on the back, top, and side of the computer – you can easily see them.
The other noise fan might be the fan above the CPU which will mostly be in a center of the motherboard and of course, some graphic cards have fans to cool them down, so it might be on the side of your graphic card – which will be connected to the

white slots on the motherboard – with a side going out of the back (so you could connect your screen cables).

** Check if everything is dusty:
a. Dusty:

  1. Take a small brush (small painters clean brush), and use it slowly to remove the dust from the dusty fans, you will be amazed how quiet the computer will become once you have cleaned all of the dust off from the fans (they will be able to work smoothly and easily).

b. No Dust:

  1. This means that the noisy fan is fatigue, and needs to be replaced.
  2. Buy a new fan – same size – and replace the noisy fan (you will need to open the 4 screws from the 4 corners of the fan – that simple).

The screen doesn’t work:
When you notice your computer works, but you can’t see anything on your screen, there is a couple of troubleshooting you can do:

  1. Check the cable connections between the screen and the computer’s graphic card (make sure it is fastened and connected properly).
  2. Verify the electric cable to the screen is in the electric socket – then unplug the electric cable from the screen – then re-plug the electric cable to the screen making sure it went into the socket all the way in.
  3. Another option might be related to a screen resolution – if you are setting a resolution that doesn’t fit the screen – it will remain blank. So, you can reboot the computer (when the computer loads – you should be able to see the DOS (black screen) showing the loading commands – then press “F8” and choose to load in safe mode – (the computer will load windows in a low resolution – then log in to your computer – set the screen resolution to a low one – and reboot the computer – then re-try to fit the resolution that is compatible with your screen).