Tag: Servers

Debian, is a package of software tools combined together under the open-licensed GNU (General Public Library) and some other free software, of the Linux operating systems which means it uses the Linux kernel. This operating system is the most popular and one of its best OS versions is the UBUNTU operating system.

Since you want to get with your operating system some basic tools, and of course some extra efficient tools, instead of finding each program that you find that you need, the Debian package has been created to contain the basic tools that are needed for and operating system.

The Debian package is being used both for Server and for Desktop operating systems, again the Debian package is the core of those operating system which are built upon the Debian package, like UBUNTU Linux distribution system.

So with all of those Linux distributions out there, why choose Debian? well, it is quite simple:

  • A non-commercial totally free distribution.
  • A true GNU/Linux distribution based on the Unix command style. This assures that the core that you are using will not be changed as time passes since it is the core of things.
  • Easy to maintain – so you can easily get it updated and up to date, there is a mechanism that knows how to identify missing packages and update on required dependencies.
  • Automatic updating – You can use automatic updates using a single command, which will collect the needed required updates from the internet, and install them automatically.
  • The Debian distribution only uses real free software and it contains already around 25,000 applications and utilities.
  • Help is accessible through forums, chat rooms of the community. You can get answers to almost any question you might have and there are developers who improve it daily.
  • Performance is excellent and of course cheap since it uses any type of hardware, and does not require hardware upgrades or requires stronger equipment.
  • Reliability and stability are the core focus of Debian, and you do not need to reboot it contantly.

— You can read more about the Debian packages at http://www.debian.org/ and get http://www.debian.org/, even though I would recommend working with Ubuntu than on Debian directly.

The reasons why Debian can be the perfect server are because it contains many common software tools, for almost any purpose that servers are being used for like those basic ones:

    • Web server – Apache, PHP, Python, Mysql
    • Mail server – Postfix.
    • DNS server – Bind9
    • FTP server – Proftpd
  • File Server – Samba
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Microsoft !, what does this name say to you? Anyone who uses computers has to have heard about Microsoft, this is the company the entered the graphical operating systems, that shaped the way we work. The first famous graphical operating system was of APPLE, they have created the Macintosh as a computer for graphic designers. The Macintosh was attended to the graphic designers and it wasn’t cheap, only those who could effort it was enjoying a graphical operating system that enabled the graphic design to become reachable.

Microsoft was the one who developed a graphical operating system that will become a software for all. They have designed an operating system that was cost-effective and affordable by the common people, home users and enabled everyone to gain a graphical environment, that enabled the use of a mouse, dragging and doing operating at a move of a mouse. Before the graphical age, people where typing hundreds and thousands of lines of code to get a simple operation working. Behind the simple copy & paste, we are used to doing with the right click of the mouse, where lines of code to tell the computer where the source file is, how to make the copy, and to where to copy the file.

Since that first step into a revolution in technology, Microsoft has developed many tools, improved its operating systems making them more usable, more effective. They developed the computerized office, using their office packages, that shaped the way we do our business, writing our letters on Microsoft word, doing complicated calculations and statistical charts and diagrams using Microsoft excel, doing presentations on the Microsoft Power-Point, etc… Those software applications have shaped our computerized office tools and became the most common tools being used by computer users.

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Beginning linux

Linux, what is that operating system? why is it becoming such a required operating system? why do we need to get to know it? There are so many questions like that about Linux that I would like to calm down. Now that I had the chance of getting to know Linux pretty well, I can honestly say that there is much potential for the open-source operating systems. You can basically get all of the things you were used to getting from the Windows operating system, and much more.

There are many tools in Linux, which are free and there are easy techniques to get those tools downloaded and installed on your system. You just need to learn a couple of basic tools that enable you to control these operating systems. My favorite Linux operating system is UBUNTU and I believe many do think like me about it. This operating system is the most convenient and relatively easy to use, it would be recommended to start learning Linux with this operating system.

Linux has two options (all free of course), the first option is the desktop option the other is the server option. The desktop option is a version that includes the graphic interface (Gnome or KDE are the most common) which resembles what you know from the Windows operating system. The operation of the desktop is much the same, there are many built-in applications included in each Linux operating system. The Linux server option, gives you a black screen command prompt, like DOS in windows, which enables you to use all of Linux options, which most of it is being done on the text mode (the desktop interface is just redundant). Linux servers can become anything you want, either a web server, FTP server and much more. Any application in the computer world that you think of, you can create and install in Linux and all of those applications and tools are free, just install, configure and you’re up and running.

Linux has an open office that can open documents saved by the Windows operating system. There are many other built-in applications within the desktop version. All of those tools are free, and most of them will cover all of your needs, either for home use or for your office purpose.

The only issue I am missing in Linux is the computer games option. Currently, I am unfamiliar with any good games as we know in windows on a Linux machine. But, I assume in time this will happen as well since Linux is slowly becoming a real fact in the computer world.

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