Anyone who travels much, and uses a computer needs to choose a laptop computer. The laptop computer is Portable, you can take it with you, and plug it to a screen keyboard and mouse at home and use it as a home computer. When you stumble upon a problem with your laptop, you might have to get help to solve your problem.

Laptop computers are being built in an assembly line at the factory since they are being built exactly the same and each model has many copies. In contrast to a desktop computer, which you can select each part that you want the desktop computer to include, on laptop computers you just get an assembled computer that has a specific hardware configuration, which you can know ahead exactly what you are buying and what it includes.

This is, on one hand, makes your purchase decision easier since you know exactly what you are getting and of course when you get to support the support member knows exactly what your laptop includes, and it makes it easier for him to give you support.

Some models might have a specific problem, which probably will occur on all of the laptops from the same model since they are all built exactly the same. Such problems might get a recall or a repair suggestion on the warranty expense. The maker of the laptop might send you the proper repaired part that you need, or request that you will go to visit the closest technical lab, which is closest to your location, so they will be able to do the repair for you.

After knowing what laptop computers are, and what makes them different from desktop computers we can go through the ways we can get laptop computer help.

  1. When you encounter a problem on your laptop, the first action you might want to take is just go and visit the laptop maker’s website (like DELL, HP, Lenovo etc…). There is usually a support section where you can find laptop drivers and other support issues and if there are known problems with that model, you might get your guidance there on how to fix your problem or what actions to take.
  2. There are many laptop helping forums that enable you to post your questions and try and get some help for those who are either working as help desk, and have much experience in laptop malfunctions or maybe just someone else who stumble upon such problem that you have encountered.
  3. When a laptop problem is common, for the same laptop make and model, you might find that issue popping out more than once, when you Google search the exact problem you have encountered.  The laptop maker might even publish that there is a problem in all of his specific laptop model and suggest some sort of a solution for all those that bought that specific model.
  4. You can ask a friend, who might know people in the computer world. You might be able to get help on how to solve the issue from a friend who stumble upon it, or at least get some guidance on how to identify what the exact problem is, by using some diagnostic actions that will pin point the problem.

Those are the basics, of understanding the laptop computers, and how to get some help. Remember that most of the laptops come with a 3 years warranty, and common malfunctions are getting fixed easily just by submitting the laptop to the laptop maker’s lab, and getting it fixed free of charge.