What is Linux? Well, it is a free Unix-like operating system that was developed by a student named “Linus Torvalds” and with the assistance of other developers around the world (that is why it is called open source – as the operating system code is open for everyone).

Linux has begun as a black screen code interface (like DOS by windows), and has grown to have a desktop edition as well, which has a GUI (Graphic interface) just like the Windows operating system which anyone can use. There are not many games for Linux in comparison to the Windows operating system but it does slowly move toward achieving that as well (so maybe this is not such good news for the gamers among us), but this is a free operating system that suits everyone, with both free server and desktop editions.

Since anyone can use Linux, it only depends if you are willing to study a new free operating system.
Either if you are coming from the Windows operating system or if you just started computers, all you will need to do is keep an open mind. The operating system in its core might be a bit tricky and require some basic knowledge of the command line, and a bit of how computer’s operating systems work to be able to use the system properly and achieve the required installations.

So, how can you start learning Linux, well it is pretty simple. First, download your choice of the operating system (There are Ubuntu, Red-Hat, Fedora, Suse, etc…). If you are a beginner you can install the desktop edition – which is just like installing a Windows operating system, you just press the “NEXT” button while keeping all of the default settings as they are, and when it is all set, just play with it, to get familiarize with it.

You can watch the following video instructions that show how simple it is to install a Ubuntu Linux desktop:

here are a couple of links I have gathered from the internet for you, so you can have a jump start on your way to Linux:




