We use computers, and as we know computers advance very quickly. The technology advances and in order to be updated with those advanced technologies, we can read about that news on the internet, on technological magazines, maybe on the TV news.

We can find articles, computer technology magazines, online newspapers that update about computer technologies. There are so many changes in the computerized technologies that there is a lot to write about, almost every day.

The technology changes articles might be published on forums, online newspapers, online computer magazines (Those articles might show up on regular newspapers or computer magazines but I would prefer to focus on online websites since we are talking about computers 😉 ). There are many websites that contain and focus on those computer technology changes, and the benefits or disadvantages of those technologies. Some computer technology progress might not be so good for us, but basically the new technologies just improve things and are more effective.

I will include highlighted computer technology changes on this website, but you can look for computer technology news websites, computer magazines, there are many websites out there, enjoy reading the information and learning more about computers, this is what this website is all about.

If you need assistance in finding such websites, that include computer technology changes, just write to me here, and I will give you some recommendations.